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Superior Pest Management LLC

Residential Pest Control

Charlotte, NC

5.0 · 449 reviews
5.0 · 449 reviews
Karen Pennington
China Grove, NC
We live in a very old farmhouse that had termites in the past. Superior Pest took care of that and has had us under a termite warranty for years with no additional problems. Yesterday we had all the duct work pulled out of our crawlspace. The workers said there was now access to places that previously had no access and might not again when new duct work is installed and that it might be a really good time for termite inspection. I called Superior Pest and they squeezed us in during a busy day. Devon came by after hours and did a complete inspection and treated a few of the areas that could not be reached before. They absolutely did not have to do that on the spur of the moment call but they did. I should have had the foresight to schedule but it never crossed my mind and would have been a missed opportunity to treat all areas of the house. Superior Pest went above and beyond. Thank you.
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