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Clegg's Pest Control

Pest Control

Durham, NC

4.8 · 838 reviews
4.8 · 838 reviews
Susan Garrett
Chapel Hill, NC
If I could leave more stars for Jamar's professional and effective service, I gladly would! He understands my house, the pests I need to control, and how to manage it all. Clegg's is lucky to have such a knowledgeable, polite, punctual, and friendly technician on their team. His can-do attitude is a breath of fresh air! I ask (well, beg) for Jamar every time I call, which isn't often because he does such a great job understanding my pest problem and doing everything he can to control it. Somebody give this man a raise!!!
Business Owner's Reply · 10 months ago (Aug 26)
Thank you so much for the wonderful review. I could not agree with you more, Jamar is an outstanding technician and person. I will pass along all of your wonderful words to Jamar and his supervisor.
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