Sammy McCaskill Review
Terminix of North Carolina

Pest Control

Rocky Mount, NC

4.3 · 523 reviews
4.3 · 523 reviews

Sammy McCaskill
Sammy McCaskill
Castalia, NC
Posted 3 years ago (Dec 14, 2020) ·
No, I am extremely frustrated with your company at this time!
The service teams are outstanding but, due to me utilizing your standard home service and having a secondary termite policy, the constant scheduling calls and missed appointments are frustrating!
Having two separate division's that don't communicate electronically is ridiculous!! I approve one appointment, get a call later, set a different appointment, assuming its the same company, clear my calendar for the first and confusion and frustration occurs on both the customer and company.
Merge your booking systems so everyone knows what is going on...