Alan H F. Review
Home Paramount

Residential & Commercial Pest Control

Easton, MD

4.6 · 420 reviews
4.6 · 420 reviews

Alan H F.
Alan H F.
Centreville, MD
Posted 7 years ago (Jun 23, 2017) ·
First I will describe what happened yesterday, and then I will write a short review.

Although I was at the house yesterday specifically in order to enable your technician to work inside as well as outside—and in fact met with him and invited him to come in to do what I called the "usual thing"—he never entered the house to see if any ant traps needed replacement or if any dead mice or other small animals were in the various traps that your people have placed in the basement.

This is a vacation house. The summer rental season is about to start, and it seems to me that it would be appropriate to check things and prepare the house inside as well as outside when the opportunity presents itself, especially as I don't think your technician was able to get inside last time. I was also surprised that the technician left without asking me to sign the usual form and without giving me a checklist of what he had done—which I think was limited to a very quick treatment here and there outside. I don't feel that I should have to say, "Please do this and this and this and this." When owners are home, as I was yesterday, the technician should take the opportunity to work inside in a thorough and standardized manner. If he is new to the house and is unaware of what has been done in the past, an examination of your traps will quickly indicate what it is that he needs to follow up on.

I suppose I could check around inside, replace traps as necessary, and so on, but then what is the point of hiring Home Paramount?

As for Home Paramount in general, you have been reasonably effective. I look for help with three main things: ants in the spring and summer, crickets in the fall, and mice in the winter. But I don't know when the various traps inside were last checked or replaced.