Lynn Capps Review
Terminix of Tidewater Virginia

Pest Control

Virginia Beach, VA

4.4 · 1489 reviews
4.4 · 1489 reviews

Lynn Capps
Lynn Capps
Norfolk, VA
Posted 5 months ago (May 13) ·
Salesman: Dale Hunter Davis, was very nice and walked thru my home and attic then he went outside and looked around also. He was a very nice person. I have tried to call him several times due to confusion on my part about the cost. He has never returned my calls.

Bell Cow called (Christine) but due to not being able to talk to Hunter I told them not to come over. She said she would have the Secretary at Terminix (Joan) call me. No one has called me at all.

Due to a vision problem working on the computer is difficult for me. I prefer the telephone.

I was mailed a contract from Green Way and I will be taking it to my lawyer.

I am a 81yr old lady and I consider 25% interest elder abuse and I cannot pay such out ragious interest.

After reading a small part of that I am sorry I even called Terminix.

After dealing with such nice employees like Hunter and Leon I don't know how you can send out a contract asking people to pay such sums of money for very little labor.