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Residential & Commercial Pest Control

Sterling, VA

4.2 · 141 reviews
4.2 · 141 reviews
Richard B.
Sterling, VA
The services offered are quite effective. We have used the attic insulation,the subterranean termite control system, the mouse bait traps and the quarterly service contract. We have had some ant problems and the treatments, when done properly, work well. We have found over the years that the effectiveness of the products depends to a large extent on how good the technician is. We have had a few that are excellent, most however, look around and then don't really do much. I have had to go back from time to time to treat things myself because the technician either overlooked treatment or did not want to do it. We have asked to have a small crawl space treated that I get into frequently to get some things we store there and the technicians have put in a couple of bait traps as far as they could reach, but have not gone in to the crawl space to treat it thoroughly leaving us with a problem still. We have had a couple of technicians who are very knowledgeable treat our ant problem. Others have come, looked it over and not really done anything. We are currently evaluating the effectiveness of the overall service to decide whether or not it is worth keeping the quarterly contract.
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