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Home Paramount

Residential & Commercial Pest Control

Manassas, VA

4.5 · 453 reviews
4.5 · 453 reviews
Tom H.
Manassas, VA
The salesman assured us the entire property would be treated to eliminate ants. We had the treatment, and I explicitly asked the poison technician if he treated the entire lawn, down to the street. HE SAID HE DID.

A week later, I found large ant colonies near the street. I called Home Paramount and they told me they only treated a three-foot perimeter around the "foundation" of our home.

I'm really upset. The Home Paramount salesman was quite specific that our "lawn would be ant-free" and would soon grow green grass! He easily could have told me and my wife "for three feet from your foundation!"

If they had asked us for extra to treat the WHOLE LAWN we would have happily agreed! But we do not trust them anymore!
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