Pest ControlOmaha, NE4.8 · 110 reviews
4.8 · 110 reviews
Richard Lipprand
You folks helped me solve my problem with german cockroaches, but did so at an exporbetant price. I felt that the only option offered me was to pay such a large amount, followed by a second payment also of a sizable amount, and then monthly fees left me feeling t45aken advantage of. Had I known what chemicals and poisons would have solved my problem, I could have bought them from www.domyown.com at a fraction of your cost. Furthermore, I was promised a 30 day follow up visit for treatment that has not been provided. I understand your need as a business for a steady stream of income, but I feel your approach to be my problem is opportunitic. I promise you that as soon as my one year obligation is finished, I will cancel your service. I would say that you did a good job, and that you solved my problem, but that with the appropriate knowledge I could have done it myself at a fraction of your cost. Do you want to conserve my business. Then agree to charge me $25 per month from now to eternity, and then I will be you loyal customer. It is your choice, take advantage of me, and lose my allegiance, or take care of me and do so at a fair price.
Respectfully, Richard Lipprand. |